Prefer to mail your donation?
Please make check payable to "Lab Rescue LRCP"
and mail it to Lab Rescue LRCP | P.O. Box 1814, Annandale, VA 22003

If you love Labs, then your home/office/life isn't complete without the our annual Lab Rescue Calendar! It features dozens of pictures of rescued Labs and is sure to put a smile on your face 365 days a year.
In July, we welcome photo submissions of your favorite Lab Rescue dog to be included in our annual calendar. A panel of judges chose the 13 lucky winners to ultimately be featured on the calendar cover and the 12 months of the year.
We also offer opportunities for you to honor the special Labs in your life through the purchase of a monthly, quarter-page, half-page, or full-page tribute. Tributes are available for purchase through August 30th. Proceeds from tribute sales go toward providing vet care for dogs in need.
Calendars are available for purchase beginning in September and typically ship on a rolling basis beginning in early November. Calendars typically sell out before Jan 1, so be sure to order yours early!
Questions about the Rescued Labs Calendar? Email